2018 Phyllis Reserve Perspective Stage 2.jpg

Phyllis Reserve

Located over an old quarry and landfill the Phyllis Reserve sits adjacent to the Oakley Creek. Formerly, the access to the Metro Football Club and the Akarana Dog Training Club was from Springleigh Ave. The new cycleway runs along the reserve, crossing this access. Due to the age of the existing buildings and safety concerns at the crossing, we were asked to provide a concept in stages. The first stage included a new change room and public toilets facility, to be used by the football club, the softball club, their spectators and general public using the cycleway. The second stage of the concept is to provide additional change rooms, a new tuck shop, additional storage, a new club room for football and softball and a new Dog Training Club.

During our research into the area, we found that the Oakley Creek has a unique geranium variant which is only found in the area. We incorporated a stylized graphic of the flower and its leaves as a cast in pattern to the precast panels of the ground floor. The first stage is designed with robust materials - precast walls and a floating plate steel roof, raised above the panels to provide passive ventilation.


Waitakere City Council Amenities


Beach Haven Town Houses