Aorere Park Toilets & Change Rooms

Mangere East, Auckland

The design is simple and consists of a single changing room block with two separate changing rooms and showers. The building is oriented towards the existing carpark and in close proximity to the field. Two public unisex toilets are located on the exterior of the building, as well as an accessible toilet on the northern side. This area also contains two rows of lockers to be used by the sports teams. Private referees changing rooms are also provided on the northeastern end of the block.

Services are provided towards the southern side of the building and are designed to accommodate either an instantaneous gas infinity water heating system, or an electric hot water cylinder system for the showers. The changing rooms are accompanied by grandstand steps to provide excellent viewing opportunities to all fields in the park. Additional storage space is provided for storage of sports equipment.

The restful incorporation of trees in the exterior design helps blend the changing rooms into the surrounding park.

Project works were completed in 2024.


Kāinga Ora Residence


Vinegar Lane