Sister Rene Shadbolt Changing Rooms
Sister Rene Shadbolt Park is the home ground of Suburbs New Lynn Rugby Football Club and premier rugby games are regularly hosted here. Auckland Council required a new building to house six rugby league changing rooms, public toilets, referee rooms and associated plant rooms to support the club and park demands.
This new two story building is located on Portage Road on the Northward sloping bank between the southern playing field and the central site carpark. The ground level opens on to the existing carpark and is cut into the ground to form a partial basement. The first floor provides direct access and views to the fields. The building is a simple pavilion form constructed of largely precast concrete and steel. Honed precast panels appear to ‘float’ on the southern elevation addressing the carpark and a decorative and brightly coloured screen faces Portage Road and provides security to the upper level balcony. Coloured panels and steel surrounds highlight entry points to the changing rooms and WCs. This enables clear way finding and provides visual interest to the elevation.